Mountain Run Jam

Mountain Run Jam

October 4-6th, 2024 Mountain Run Farm in Sedalia, VA Over 50 workshops & healing activies on homesteading, regenerative agriculture, permaculture, herbalism, skills, yoga, tai chi and more. Local Food Live Music Restorative Farmscape A weekend of learning, fun and...
Advanced Grafting & Topworking

Advanced Grafting & Topworking

So you’ve got your feet wet with some basic grafting techniques like whip & tongue or cleft graft with apple or pear. Now you’d like to expand your horizons and try some more difficult species like American persimmon, mulberry, pawpaw and more. Maybe you even have...
The Egg Event

The Egg Event

Join us to celebrate the egg–but not any old egg! We are excited to show you how we raise our laying hens in the pastures and orchards to produce the high quality eggs we are so proud of. This is a three part event designed to immerse you in where your food...
Grafting 101

Grafting 101

Join us for an in-depth introduction to the art and science of grafting. Grafting is an elegant method for cloning woody perennials, especially our beloved apples, pears, and more. In this workshop we will go over the basics of why we graft, how it works, and the...